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home automation

Electro Gadget
IoT Smart Energy Meter Using ESP32 and Blynk 2.0

Electro Gadget
IoT based Smart Motion Sensing Camera

Electro Gadget
Interface Different Sensors With Single ESP8266 NodeMCU

Electro Gadget
Home Automation System Using Arduino And HC-05

Electro Gadget
Controlling Appliances with ESP32 and MQTT Protocol

Electro Gadget
Tasmota Home Automation System Using ESP8266
Arduino project

Electro Gadget
Digital RPM Meter Using IR Sensor With Arduino

Electro Gadget
Smart Electronic Voting Machine Using Arduino

Electro Gadget
Arduino Based Inductance Meter

Electro Gadget
Interface HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor With ESP32

Electro Gadget
Arduino Calculator Using 4ร4 Keypad

Electro Gadget