Fingerprint-Based Biometric Attendance System Using Arduino

Biometric Attendance System: In today’s innovative world, biometrics is an advanced technology used for people identification. Biometric technology is defined as the automatic identification of a person based on biological characteristics such as fingerprint, iris scan, facial recognition, etc.

In this project, we will be going to build a fingerprint-based biometric attendance system using Arduino. The attendance system in educational institutions, industries, and offices will require more paper works and time. To avoid such complexity, an automatic biometric attendance system using fingerprints was developed.

Here, we are going to explain in detail how to design a circuit of a fingerprint-based biometric attendance system and its working principle.

Principle Behind Fingerprint Based Biometric Attendance System

The basic principle of this project is to take attendance using the fingerprint module and show results in the display when necessary.

Fingerprint identification is based on the purpose that no other persons have the same fingerprint in this whole world. Because no one on earth can have the same genetic code of DNA. The main function of the fingerprint module is to distinguish between the ridges and valleys of two fingers. When the fingerprint is given, it stores the structural points where there are changes in the direction of ridges and valleys using some technical algorithms. Inside a fingerprint module, a DSP processor is present to implement and analyze the algorithm.

This module sends commands to the controller of the device whenever the fingerprint is matched. The microcontroller (Arduino) receives these commands from the fingerprint print module and uses the internal EEPROM to store the attendance as data. A keypad is used here to send the requests to the controller to either enrol a new one or save the attendance or exit. LCD display shows the information related to the commands received.


Fingerprint based biometric attendance system using Arduino
Fingerprint Based Biometric Attendance System

Circuit Diagram

Fingerprint Based Biometric Attendance System Circuit
Fingerprint Based Biometric Attendance System Circuit

Components Required

  • Arduino Nano
  • Finger Print Module
  • RTC Module
  • 4×3 Keypad
  • 16×2 LCD Display
  • Push Buttons (x4)
  • 1K Resistor (x2)
  • 2.2K Resistor
  • Wires
  • Casing

Circuit Connection of Fingerprint Based Biometric Attendance System

Here, we used an Arduino ATmega328 microcontroller which is an AVR family microcontroller. It is an 8-bit microcontroller and has 8 Analog and 13 digital pins. Arduino has 32 KB of flash memory, 1 KB of EEPROM, and 2 KB of SRAM.

The push buttons for enrolling, deleting, selecting IDs and attendance. A buzzer here for alerting, LEDs for indication and LCD to display the results.

As shown in the circuit diagram, a push-button is directly connected to pin A0 for enrollment purposes, A1 for deletion, and A2 and A3 for up and down the selection of Arduino with respect to the ground. A red LED is connected to pin D7 of the Arduino with respect to ground through a 1K resistor. The fingerprint module’s RX and TX pins are directly connected to serial pins D2 and D3 of the Arduino respectively. A 5V supply is used here to power up the fingerprint module taken from Arduino. A buzzer is also connected at pin A5 for alerting purposes. A 16×2 LCD is also configured in 4-bit mode and its RS, EN, D4, D5, D6, and D7 are directly connected at digital pins D13, D12, D11, D10, D9, and D8 of the Arduino.

Working of Fingerprint Based Biometric Attendance System

The working principle of this fingerprint attendance system is quite simple. At first, the user needs to enrol their fingerprints with the help of push-button. To do this, the user needs to press the “ENROLL” button and then the LCD prompts to ask to enter the ID for the fingerprint to save it in the memory by ID name individually. So now the user needs to enter their ID by pressing the “UP/DOWN” buttons. After selecting ID, the user needs to press the “OK” button. Now LCD display will ask to place the user’s finger over the fingerprint module and then the module immediately captures the finger’s image sample. Then, the LCD display will indicate to remove the finger from the module and ask to place his finger again.

Now the user needs to put his finger again The module takes an image, converts it into structural dots, and stores it by selected ID. Finally, the user is registered successfully and he can do their attendance by pressing their finger over the fingerprint module. By the same process, all the users can be registered into the system.

If someone wants to remove or delete his/her stored ID or fingerprint, then he/she needs to press DEL (OK) button. Once the delete button is pressed, the LCD display will ask to select the ID that needs to be deleted. Now user needs to select ID and press the “OK” button (DEL button). Now LCD will let you know that fingerprint has been deleted successfully.

Application of Fingerprint Based Biometric Attendance System

  • Biometric attendance systems can be used in educational institutions, offices, industries, etc.
  • It can be also used in ATMs for authentication.
  • Security access control can be also used.

Disadvantages of This Biometric Attendance System

  • There is a chance of using fake fingerprints.
  • This device is very sensitive, so it needs proper handling.

Arduino Code

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